Lizard Protocol

Redefining deflation through novel token economics

Lizard Protocol
3 min readOct 15, 2022

What is Lizard Protocol?

Lizard Protocol (LIZZ) is an ERC-20 token bringing new deflationary tokenomics to the Ethereum space. Lizard Protocol has two straightforward purposes: Progressive Scarcity and Mass Adoption. By now, we all know what inflation is and how detrimental it is to the financial well-being of the people. Simply put: It represents the decrease in purchasing power of money. Lizard Protocol is built to counterattack inflation in a new but simple way. Deflationary tokenomics with no strings attached. The token enters the market at 100% supply and decreases over time, with absolutely no tax on transactions. The burn happens from within the liquidity and not from people’s holdings as we’ve seen before.

Why Lizard?

We have chosen the name Lizard protocol, not by mistake. The LIZZ contract has a special function called setLpRebalance, a function that enables a systemic and automated token burn triggered by token sells. Just as lizards have the amazing ability to regenerate limbs when needed, LIZZ has the ability to regenerate its economic balance with systemic token burns from its core.

We need to mention again that the Lizard Protocol contract has no tax on transactions, as you have been used to. How?

Lizz has a piece of code that consists of two main functions, /setLpRebalance/ and /manualBurnLpTokens/. Both of them have inherent rights to communicate with the Uniswap V2 pair, the only difference is that setLpRebalance is triggered once per hour (this depends on the halving era we are in) automatically, while the other one is a manual function.

The burn function communicates with Uniswap to balance the liquidity and send the excess $LIZZ (this is also relative to the variable settings based on the epoch we are in) into the burn address once per hour, the only condition is a sell order happens meanwhile. If no transactions happen during one hour, there is no problem, any next sell order is going to trigger the burn function with no cost to the seller besides the 10–20k gas limit added on top of a normal transaction for the auto burn function. This allows LIZZ to reduce its native token supply in the liquidity pool while the ETH ratio keeps increasing over time.


The current state of the LIZZ token is ultra-deflationary, but things will not remain like this forever. To balance the token economics a deflation halving will occur once in a while depending on how accelerated the burn is in comparison to the holders’ number growth. Scarcity is good but as in everything in life, there can be too little or too much. Balance is key.

Pretty neat, and simple right?


Having said that, you need to understand that like many successful but also unsuccessful new protocols in crypto this new token is an experiment. The crypto space needs constant experiments in order to evolve. You cannot evolve without curiosity and cannot adapt without being able to explore.

We do not endorse people buying LIZZ. It would be unethical on our behalf as we launched it as a public experiment.

And now we have our first imaginary Q/A:

  1. When Roadmap? Never, the code is the roadmap.
  2. What to expect next? Nothing, there might be features added by our developers, if they feel like it.
  3. Is liquidity locked? Yes
  4. Renounced? The contract is not renounced as we need to set up the halving metrics at a later date.
  5. Where is the dev? The dev is constantly watching, he might or might not say something. He is not a man of many words. We shall refer to him as Lizard Lord.

With that being said,


Let the fun begin!

S O C I A L S:

Lizard Protocol Website

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